How to clean fireplace bricks?

Nothing makes a home cosier than a fireplace. It gives away warmth, soft light, and genuine comfort. However, when used on a daily basis, fireplaces will end up looking black and covered in black streaks. If the bricks around your fireplace look like that, it is time to clean them.

When soot accumulates it leaves black residue all over your bricks, as well as a smoke odour. This may occur on tiles, natural stone, or grout. It is important to clean that up on a regular basis, in order to prevent it from building up. If left for too long, it may stain the surface forever or cause permanent damage. If you use your fireplace often, you will need to clean its surroundings quite often as well. If maintained regularly, the stains and black residue will be easier to remove. Continue reading “How to clean fireplace bricks?”

How to properly clean wine glasses?

Did you know that wine can taste different, depending on the glass you use? There are many types of wine glasses – from narrow champagne flutes to large-bowled stemware for rich red wine, whatever it is that you use, should be sparkling clean. This is something all master sommeliers and wine professionals agree with. That is why we will show you how to properly clean your wine glasses and make sure that your wine tastes its best.

Keep reading to find out how to clean stains and make your glasses clean and spotless.

Ideally, you should wash your wine glasses after every use. You also need to use a fresh one every time you switch between wines. If your glasses are not being used and are stored in a closed cabinet, you still have to wash them at least once a year. That way you will remove dust and dirt and prevent them from etching the glass. The methods explained are tried by professional cleaners. Continue reading “How to properly clean wine glasses?”

How to remove hair dye stains from clothing and carpets?

If you dye your hair at home, you probably have experienced stains on your clothing and even carpets. The best thing you can do is take care of it as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more it sets. It will end up being hard or even impossible to remove. Depending on the type of dye you use, cleaning approaches may vary. Fortunately, the things you need for the cleaning of such stains are easily found at home. Important things to pay attention to are: treat the stain as soon as you see it and never put any fabric with hair dye on it in the dryer. The heat may set the stain and make it permanent. Never scrub or rub the stain in, since that may cause it to spread and soak further in the fibres. Keep reading to find out how to remove hair dye stains.
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Causes for the air conditioner’s bad smell and how to fix it.

If you have been experiencing bad smells in your home and you managed to track them down to your air conditioner, it is probably time to give it a good cleaning. If you don’t know how to get rid of the bad smell of your air conditioner, keep reading to find out what the best ways to get rid of the bad odours are.
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How to properly clean a cast iron griddle

Cast iron griddles are a great item to have in one’s kitchen. They are usually reversible and can be used to prepare many meals. Usually, one side is smooth and used for scrambled eggs, grilled sandwiches or pancakes, and another ribbed side that can be used to grill vegetables and meat.
A cast iron is durable and convenient. It can be used for both indoors and outdoors cooking. It is usually easy to clean and maintain. However, in order to prevent rust from forming, proper maintenance is required. We will talk about ways in which you can properly maintain  your cast iron griddles. Fortunately for you, you will only need a few simple items from your pantry to do that.
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How to get rid of dust mites?

Dust mites may be the most common trigger of year-round allergies and asthma. Dust mites are literally everywhere, no matter your climate, country or continent.
Even though dust mites are invisible, they are far from harmless. They live on human skin cells, fabric items, bedding, upholstery, clothing and carpets. An interesting fact is that dust mites are not the reason for allergies. Most often their droppings are responsible for any allergic reactions. They produce a lot of droppings ( each dust mite produces around 20 a day), so no matter how much you clean, you will still havesome mite irritants at home. Even though you won’t be able to completely rid your house of those creatures, you can significantly reduce your allergic reactions to them. Continue reading “How to get rid of dust mites?”

Where does dust come from?

The main sources of dust in your home

We dust our homes weekly, if not more often. But have you ever wondered where all the dust comes from? It seems like it magically appears all over your shelves, tables and floors and no matter how much and how often you vacuum and dust everything, in less than a few days, it is right back.
In this article we will take a closer look at what dust really is made of, which are the main sources of dust and household grime and how it spreads around your home.
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What are the dirtiest places in your home?

Whenever you spill food and drinks, have soap scum, rubbish or a pile of dirty clothes, the dirt is obvious. However, the visible dirt is not what you should worry about. There are places in your house that are much dirtier than you would think. These places are the ones that can affect your family’s health for real.

We will get a closer look at the different areas of your house that are the dirtiest of all, without you  even noticing. You may want to pay more attention next time you are cleaning them.
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What prevents you from getting rid of old stuff and the “Limbo Box” Method.

Whenever it is time to get on with decluttering, you might find it hard to get rid of some things. It is hard for a lot of people to rid themselves of items they have owned for some time. It is understandable since people tend to develop sentimental attachment to objects. As soon as you start going through the stuff that has been cluttering your space, you begin hesitating about what to get rid of and what to keep. In this article we are going to talk about a few “rules” that keep you from getting rid of unnecessary items, as well as a special method that might help you get rid of whatever you feel like is too dear to throw away.

  • You spent good money on it. – It is a misconception that you should keep something just because you spent money on it. Yes, maybe in the past it was worth it for you and you really really wanted it but it has probably served its time already. Do not forget that you do not have to lose the money you once paid for it. You can sell it, give it to someone who would enjoy it or donate it. Do not let money stop you from getting rid of something that is taking up space, know it was worth it if you once enjoyed having it. If it is an expensive item in good condition but you do not use or need it, keep the good memories with it and give it up for donation.
  • Continue reading “What prevents you from getting rid of old stuff and the “Limbo Box” Method.”

The 5 minutes a day cleaning method

Do you feel like you are too busy and you rarely have time to properly clean at home? A lot of people feel like that and it is understandable, considering the busy lives we all lead nowadays. What if we told you there is a simple trick that will help you do the most out of very little time. By spending a tiny amount of time every day, you will be able to complete a much bigger portion of your chores, compared to when you attempt to have a full deep cleaning day.
Spending a whole day cleaning is not the favourite option for most people. Also, how often do you postpone your cleaning day just because you have better things to do? Do not let your chores pile up by using this simple method. It is the 5 minute cleanup method. Here is what it really is:

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